Understanding what is involved with a car loan and especially how the interest rates and loan terms affect how much you will make in repayments each month can contribute to ensuring you obtain the best option for you. There are many lenders offering loans for new motor vehicles. It’s a big market and while the basics of secured loans are very much the same, the way lenders approve applications and work out the interest rate to offer can be different.
When buyers apply for a car loan, they are required to provide details of their financial situation. Lenders assess each application and review the credit score. The credit score is an indication of risk and affects the rate offer. Good credit rating buyers get the lowest rates.
The interest charged on a loan is the cost of borrowing the funds. It is expressed as a percentage which is charged per annum, annual rate. The interest is incorporated into the monthly repayments. The higher the interest rate, the higher the monthly payment required. Interest rates are fixed so the repayments won’t change over the number of months to repay the loan.
The loan term is the amount of time a buyer has to repay the finance. The longer the term the lower the repayments but the more total interest payable. Shorter terms result in more to pay each month but the interest in total is less.
Business buyers should consider how their accounting method and tax strategy determine the best financing option and how residuals and balloons can reduce the monthly commitment.
As the lender is using the new vehicle as their security for the money being borrowed, buyers are required to take out a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy for the duration of the loan term.
All buyers wanting to see how the price of the vehicle they are interested in relates to repayments can use our Car Finance Calculator. Buyers can work out the number of months they want for their loan to get the monthly figure to work with their budget.
Contact us and tell us your preferred loan terms and we will source the most suitable quote. Our brokers are highly experienced in negotiating the best rates and working out the structure of the loan with the preferred terms.
- Expert motor finance brokers to structure preferred outcomes.
- Finance calculator to work out rates, terms and repayments.
- Buying tools to assist buyers in understanding their loan options.