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Putting all Finance Options on Your Table

How often have you heard leaders, negotiators and policy makers in a range of circumstances say they have ‘all options on the table’? During the pandemic response we’ve heard it quite often as authorities across the world grapple to find the right mix of measures to combat outbreaks at a local, regional and national level.

While in some contexts this phrase can come across as a delaying tactic or a move to please all sides of the argument. We assure you, when we say we have all options on the table, we are presenting a positive and proactive prospect to the needs of business.

When it comes to business finance, Jade Finance assists business owners and operators to achieve their objectives by putting all our finance options on their table for consideration. Not all businesses are created or structured equally and not all needs are met by the same finance product. As businesses across Australia face the much-anticipated prospect of re-opening and/or approaching the new normal, ‘living with Delta’ business environment, it may be time to assess all suitable finance options.

Just as the Prime Minister and Treasurer remind of their targeted response to many issues around the coronavirus pandemic, we remind businesses of the targeted finance products provided by Jade Finance which are structured to respond to specific business requirements.

Finance to Support Reopening Cash Flow  

While there has been a range of grants and support measures available to businesses at different stages of the pandemic, we fully understand that many will not be in the ideal financial position after an extended lockdown or restricted trading time.

Cash flow shortages may exist for many businesses as they start reopening and ramping up operations. We invite you to consider our Lender Overdraft finance as a possible solution to cash flow issues. We source overdrafts through our non-bank lenders at highly competitive interest rates to assist businesses on a short and longer term basis.

Restocking Finance

Many businesses may be understocked at this time. Possibly unable to restock due to global supply issues or reticent to maintain normal stock levels in the face of the uncertainty. With consumers about to be allowed greater freedoms to get out and spend, now could be the time to restock your inventory.

But the timing may coincide with depleted cash reserves and a finance solution is sought. We provide individually tailored business loans which may be suited to restocking inventory. Depending on the type of stock being purchased, loans can be provided on a secured or an unsecured basis.

Our consultants negotiate with our lenders to achieve both the cheapest interest rate and the most suitable loan term for each of our customers. Achieving a workable solution that will deliver profitability prospects for the business.

Mitigating Risk Finance

This upcoming new era will come with a level of uncertainty on many fronts. One of key concern will be the response from your customers in ordering and paying for goods and services. Not sure how your customers are faring financially at this time? A bit unsure if they will be in a position to pay your invoices?

To mitigate or at least minimise the risk of late-paying customers, we provide Debtor Invoice Funding. This is a specialist business finance product where we negotiate with one of our lenders to take on the invoice schedule for our customers.

The lender pays the business an agreed percentage of the value of invoices at the time the invoices are raised and the balance when they receive payment from your customer. The business is assured of a reliable flow of funds for a relatively small cost in terms of interest on the outstanding balances and lender fees.

We structure this type of finance to specifically suit individual requirements so a tailored solution is achieved.

Financing Large Premiums

Just getting back into trading as relatively normal, feeling good and what hits your inbox – the invoice for a large insurance premium. Payable now and in full. What??!!! How am I going to pay that now? Yes it is a reality that many businesses face every year. But it doesn’t have to be such a nightmare.

Speak with us about how Jade Finance is assisting businesses with our Insurance Premium Funding. We have lenders that offer very attractive interest rates on finance which allows businesses to spread large insurance premium payments over several rather than one repayment.

Finance for the Unforeseen

The past nearly two years have taught business operators many lessons. One key take-out is that the unexpected and unforeseen can definitely happen. As the economy rolls-out and rolls-into its next phase, businesses will no doubt be called on to tackle many challenges. Challenges around COVID outbreaks in the workplace, engaging lawyers and consultants to advise on vaccination rulings and workplace policies, supply chain issues and possibly more.

Jade Finance provides a range of flexible and cost-effective finance solutions to meet the challenges faced by businesses in a wide range of circumstances. Solutions sourced from a vast selection of both banks and non-bank lenders from reliable, highly experienced lending specialists.

Navigating the system for grants and other assistance has been a challenge in itself and for some, a challenge to far. We fully understand that businesses want fast and reliable access to finance that doesn’t involve convoluted processes and endless confusing websites and systems to overcome.

Our Jade Finance service delivers solutions and access to cheap interest rate finance with a fast, advanced and reliable system and processes. We have the resources to put all the finance options on your table and we’re at your service.

Contact Jade Finance 1300 000 008 to discuss the finance solutions available for your business challenges.